Sabtu, 17 November 2018

Chapter 2, Part IV, Black Rose White Rose

Black Rose White Rose, March 2018.

Once again, until this time.

Sepertinya semua beban ini akan terus bertahan dan menemani saya hingga akhir.
Saya sudah mencoba banyak hal, berbagai cara untuk mencoba melepaskan diri dari depresi akan rasa kesepian ini.

Honestly, sometimes I even thinking about suicide.
Yes, sometime I think suicide is the best way, the quickest way to end all of this wound.

It's really heavy on my shoulder and become heavier everyday.
Shall I end all of this? I want to, I really want to end it so bad, but is suicide really okay? I fear of death, but I also fear of being lonely for the rest of my life.

God, what should I do? I only hoping to be happy, nothing more.

It's all useless, my hope has faded away, the red rose has turned black.

In the darkness, I wish that white rose bloomed, like a piece of hope in a hopeless.

Still exists.

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